Posted July 11, 2017

July 29 is the fist day of the Regional Bowling tournament of the summer sport season. Volunteers will be onsite to support the event held at Sparetime Lanes. If there is a group of 5+ please email carlson@sout.org. We also have a sign up page at http://sout.org/volunteer-opportunities/. Tentative event schedule: Sparetime Lanes 5160 South 1900 West, Roy, 84067 Competition Volunteers: 8:30am (for training) - end of event (5pm) Team Check In: 9:00 -9:30AM Competitions Begins: 9:00AM

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Special Olympics Utah
1400 South Foothill Dr Suite 238 Salt Lake City, UT 84108


Category: Disability
County: Salt Lake Valley

Special Olympics is dedicated to creating a better world, through sport, by fostering the acceptance and inclusion of all people. Special Olympics Utah offers year-round training and competition in 17 Olympics-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
Special Olympics is a volunteer organization, which means we need volunteers for just about everything. Volunteers can coach, help in fundraising, be on Games Organizing Committees, volunteer the day of events, help in local areas with a team and so much more!
I've been involved with Special Olympics for five years and it has been an amazing experience. Ive learned a lot and I have developed many lifelong friendships. It has helped me gain a love and appreciation for service. - Shelly Thompson, Salt Lake City, Utah