
Posted June 12, 2018

The weekends are slow and relaxed here at the Salt Lake Veterans Nursing Home. We are looking for a few good-quality, independent volunteers who can spare an hour or two every Sunday to spend with our veterans. You will be playing games like cards, checkers, Jenga, Guess Who, etc. with our veterans who are looking for something fun to do and would enjoy a little company. This is a weekly commitment for 4 months at a time from 2-3pm every Sunday

William E. Christoffersen Salt Lake Veterans Home
700 S. Foothill Drive SLC, UT 84113
801-907-5855 or 801-584-1920


Category: Community
County: Salt Lake Valley

Volunteers assist the Recreation Department in serving the 81 elderly veterans that live at the Salt Lake Veterans Nursing Home. Volunteers are a vital part of our recreation program. Without them, we would not be able to have the high caliber activities that we currently have. Activities require a lot of one-on-one attention that 1 staff member can not adequately provide. Volunteers decrease the ratio gap and ensure that not only are more residents getting to come to and on activities, but they are also able to fully engage in the activities because they have a volunteer who can assist them. Having more assistance from volunteers means that the activities can be more involved and the residents will get more out of it. Volunteers are also vital in creating friendships and connections with our residents UPDATE 8/28/2020 - NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING VOLUNTEERS.
1:1 visits, In house activities, Community Outings, and Committees/Support Roles. The following are broad guidelines as to what the Salt Lake Veterans Home expects of all volunteers: 1. Treat all residents with respect and compassion 2. Volunteer regularly (at least 1x/week for 1 block min.) 3. Commit to a specific day/time of the week to volunteer 4. If you are unable to come in on your shift, un-sign up for your shift at least 2 hours before your shift starts on Track It Forward 5. Complete the needed paperwork & training in a timely manner. Paperwork includes: Orientation Training Dementia Training The Avalon Volunteer Application Background Check The volunteer’s appearance and conduct while at our nursing home must be appropriate and respectful to both staff and residents Volunteers should not be taking pictures of the residents on their cell phones The safety and privacy of the Residents is considered first priority. Any private information about the resident and his/her health or private information should not be shared with any other individuals, within or outside the home.
I started with the William E. Christoffersen Salt Lake Veterans Home to fulfill community service hours for a class last semester. While the class got me started here, I keep coming back because of how genuinely happy it makes me. The residents' spunk, humor and insight encourage me daily to be my best self, not just when I'm volunteering but in all facets of my life: when I'm at work to treat patients with dignity and respect, to have discipline and persistence in doing schoolwork, to be attentive, patient and time-conscious in my personal relationships. Not only are the residents great, but they're supported by caring staff that know how to have fun, and go above and beyond for them and their volunteers! But the staff can't do it all by themselves. Volunteers like you are needed! And you might not know it yet... but you need the residents! The wide array of hours to accommodate and various activities make volunteering flexible and fun. -Mili Langi