Good Shepherd Home Care & Hospice
Shantel McBride
5383 S. 900 E. SLC, UT 84117

Category: Medical
County: Salt Lake Valley
Minimum Age Requirement: 18

Good Shepherd provides quality home care services to terminally ill patients and their loved ones.
Volunteers provide companionship services to terminally ill patients, or assist with housekeeping and other needs of the patients.
I appreciated all the wise advice, stories, and love. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. I've grown to love the people I've been serving and they have taught me so much. - Kim Tran, Salt Lake City, Utah


Age Minimum Requirement: 18

October 13, 2015
I volunteered with Good Shepherd for about a year and they were awesome! I worked with the staff at the beginning of my time there and they were very helpful and supportive. I met some of their patients later on and started visiting them on a regular basis. It was a great experience just talking with them and seeing how much you can help someone just by listening to them. I would definitely recommend volunteering at Good Shepherd if you're looking for a great volunteering experience!

October 14, 2015
I built a strong friendship with the family I served through Good Shepherd which of whom I still remain in contact with. Volunteering with Good Shepherd opened my eyes to the delicate and special end-of-life care that is hospice. I'm grateful for this humbling experience. Laura Swinyard, Nepal 2016 team
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