Hurricane Health and Rehab
Stacie Devereaux
416 North State Street Hurricane, Utah 84737

Category: Elderly
County: Southern Utah

The Hurricane Rehabilitation Center is a skilled nursing facility and home to the elderly residents. Older patients also stay at the center to recover from injuries which enables them to function independently.
Volunteers at the Hurricane Rehab Center may assist in a number of activities, including reading, playing games, writing, painting nails, and simply talking to and spending time with the residents. More groups are needed who will share their time and talents. The residents love to listen to people play the piano or other instruments for them. Some residents don't have family close by, and some rarely have visitors. When someone shows them extra special attention, it makes them feel important.
Just talking and playing with the residents brightened my day and they enjoyed seeing new faces. I learned that everyone is an individual no matter what age they are. - Brittany Phillips, Hurricane, Utah
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