Casey Black
90 West Albin Village Way, Sandy, UT, 84070

Category: Medical
County: Salt Lake Valley
Minimum Age Requirement: 18

Our mission is to promote the rehabilitation of spinal cord injuries and other neurological conditions, and to create and support the finest comprehensive outpatient neurological rehabilitation facility in the region. The foundation will function in five primary ways: 1) Establish NEUROWORX, a comprehensive outpatient clinic containing the most advanced equipment and well-trained therapists to focus on the rehabilitation process. 2) Raise funds for the ongoing acquisition of facilities, equipment, and training of therapists and to provide financial support for patients without funding. 3) Establish a team of volunteers made up of social workers, contractors, architects, therapists, physicians, etc. to assist an individual or family make the necessary adaptations to lifestyle and housing. 4) Create and support a clinical research program 5) Educate the general public and medical community regarding spinal cord injuries and other neurological conditions and the need and benefit of progressive functional rehabilitation and exercise for these patients.
Volunteers can help the physical therapists by spotting the patients or helping out with the workouts.
I enjoyed the personal interaction with the patients and learning about how this kind of specialized physical therapy works. It put into perspective how much I take for granted on a daily basis. -Jacob Draper, Sandy, Utah
Neuroworx only accepts college students at this time.


Age Minimum Requirement: 18

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