American Red Cross
Kristy Denlein
6616 South 900 East Salt Lake City, UT 84121.

Category: Medical
County: Salt Lake Valley
Minimum Age Requirement: 14

The American Red Cross helps provide relief to victims of disaster and helps people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. The Youth Council is a YOUTH DIRECTED group of kids ages 14-20 years old that volunteer for the American Red Cross and further its mission. Youth Council meets once a month and discusses different perspectives and plans activities.
The committee participates in CPR, Disaster Preparedness, Basic Aid Training, and many other training classes. They hold annual events, such as Holiday Card Making for Veterans, Holiday Gift Event at the VA hospital, Human Rights Day Activity, and our Leadership Development Camp every summer. Along with giving youth countless opportunities to get involved with their community, the committee performs small service projects, holds discussions, and plans new and fun projects at every meeting.
My volunteer activities included meeting and talking with veterans, organizing bingo nights at the VA hospital as well as with families who are staying at the Fisher House, but it expands beyond that as well. I've helped with the pillowcase project and have taught kids how to cope with a disaster and what to do in a fire or an earthquake. I met a woman named Lafonda at the VA nursing home, and she told me she liked the fact that when I rolled her wheelchair, I didn't treat her or talk to her like she was going to die any second. She was cute. -Alyson Kyle, Salt Lake City, Utah
A group of youth meets monthly to learn, teach, get involved and be part of something greater than themselves. Any youth ages 14-18 can be a part of Red Cross Youth Services Group. Come to one of our meetings and see what it is all about and fill out a Youth Volunteer Application. Our meetings are held at the following location and dates: Salt Lake City: 555 East 300 South, the 2nd Monday of every month from 6-8pm: Aug 12th, Sep 9th, Oct 14th, Nov 11th, Dec 9th, Jan 13th, Feb 10th, Mar 10th, Apr 14th, May 12th.


Age Minimum Requirement: 14

September 12, 2013
I saw how much planning needs to go into the smallest things for an event to be a successful fundraising campaign. It was a great learning experience for me also - from learning standard procedure, setting dress code, and other formalities - those who participate with the American Red Cross know we, as volunteers, are reliable and dependable.
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